Girls, we run the world. But, our bodies run us. That's why your health is so important and why regularly visiting an OB/GYN is highly recommended to women of all ages.
In the free resources below, we invite you to explore and learn more about the issues that a woman faces throughout her life such as pregnancy, birth control, menopause, conditions and general health. It's important to note that the resources housed here are not meant to replace expert medical care. They are, however, created to help you to gain a better understanding of your health and your body, as well as make sure you get the most out of your visits with us or any OB/GYN specialist.
NEW Understanding Fertility Awareness Methods: How to Track Your Cycle
What fertility awareness methods are and how effective they are at tracking your cycle. ›
What to Know About Pregnancy After a Miscarriage
Women who’ve suffered a miscarriage typically have a lot of questions when they try to get pregnant again. We’ve answered some of the most common ones here. ›
Natural Family Planning: What Is It and Does It Work?
Natural birth control, conception and fertility awareness techniques explained. Does NFP work for effective birth control? ›
Think You're Pregnant? 6 Early Signs of Pregnancy
OB/GYNs and midwives of Gainesville's All About Women discuss telltale signs of pregnancy. ›
High Blood Pressure and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
The OB-GYNs at Gainesville and Lake City's All About Women discuss the dangers of hypertension in pregnancy. ›
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome– The Most Common Cause of Infertility
Physicians at Gainesville's All About Women discuss Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), the most common cause of infertility in women, it's symptoms and treatment... ›
Pre-Pregnancy Checkups: 8 Considerations to Discuss with your Doctor
While pregnant, your body will go through one of the most taxing of physical processes. Making sure that you're physically ready before conception is an important step in ensuring that you have a healthy pregnancy and birth. ›
Creative Pregnancy Announcement
Funny, cute, and creative pregnancy announcements from moms and dad around the world. Adorable ideas to tell your loved ones that you're pregnant! ›
Infertility - Part I: Introduction, Definition, and Causes
In this three-part article series, the physicians at All About Women discuss the complexity of infertility, from its diagnosis to its treatment. When am I considered infertile? What causes infertility? ›
Infertility - Part II: How It's Identified
In part two in our series on infertility, the physicians at Gainesville's All About Women explain the causes of infertility and how they're identified. What is an Infertility Evaluation? ›
Infertility - Part III: Treating Infertility
In this third installment on infertility, physicians at All About Women overview the many available infertility treatments including ovulation induction, surgical treatment, assisted reproductive technologies, and intrauterine insemination. ›
NEW Folic Acid & Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know
A guide to everything you need to know about taking folic acid before and during pregnancy to keep you and your baby safe. ›
NEW How to Create a Birth Plan for Labor and Delivery
Learn what a birth plan is, the benefits of having one and tips for how to create your own birth plan. ›
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Pregnancy
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can cause fertility issues and complications during pregnancy. Learn about the signs, symptoms and treatments. ›
Kidney Disease and Pregnancy
Women with kidney disease are at an increased risk for complications during pregnancy. Find out the signs and symptoms, and learn how to protect you and your baby. ›
Placenta Previa & Pregnancy: Can It Cause Miscarriage?
Learn about the symptoms, risk factors and treatments for placenta previa during pregnancy. ›
How Lifestyle Can Impact the Health of Mother and Baby
Certain lifestyle factors (such as smoking, drinking, drugs, etc.) can impact the health of mother and baby. Consider all these things during your pregnancy. ›
Diabetes During Your Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
How does being diagnosed with diabetes before or during labor impact the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby? ›
High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy (Preeclampsia and Eclampsia)
What conditions, complications and illnesses are more common in mothers with high blood pressure? What blood pressure is considered “safe” vs. elevated? ›
Everything You Need to Know About Prenatal Vitamins
Learn what prenatal vitamins are and why they are important for some pregnant women. What do they do? Are there any side effects you should be aware of? ›
An Overview of Vaginal Deliveries: What Expectant Mothers Can Expect
If you’re trying to decide what kind of birth method to use for your baby, here’s everything you need to know about vaginal deliveries, including pain level, recovery time, etc. ›
Benefits of Eating Vegetables for Expectant Mothers During Pregnancy
Why is eating veggies good for pregnant women? Learn the benefits and find out which vegetables are most beneficial for expectant mothers. ›
Pregnancy, Incontinence & Bladder Control
Learn about incontinence during pregnancy including what it is, what first-time mothers can expect, causes, symptoms, prevention and treatments. ›
What’s a 3D or 4D Ultrasound?
How do 3D and 4D ultrasounds work? This procedure differs from a basic ultrasound and you should visit an ultrasound specialist. ›
Pregnancy, Your Immune System and Getting Sick
During pregnancy, your immune system can undergo a few problems. Here are some immunity issues you may have while pregnant. ›
Easing Labor Pains
The labor and delivery team at North Florida's All About Women discuss pain management techniques all expecting moms should know. ›
Exercise and Pregnancy – Go, Baby, Go!
Top pregnancy care obstetricians in North Florida discuss what women can safely do to remain fit and healthy throughout pregnancy. ›
What to Expect During Each Trimester of Pregnancy
The journey of pregnancy can be the most exciting, thrilling time of a woman's life. Waiting as your bundle of joy grows inside of you is a feeling that can't be compared to anything else. ›
6 Signs of Premature Labor
All About Women's Gainesville maternity team help women in North Florida spot and prevent preterm birth. ›
Understanding Due Dates and Pregnancy Length
The maternity team at Gainesville's All About Women discuss due dates and how long you can really expect to be pregnant. ›
Fruits for Pregnant Women
What fruits should pregnant women eat? Gainesville, All About Women physicians discuss which fruits to eat during your pregnancy, and which fruits to avoid. ›
5 Body Changes During Pregnancy—Besides Your Growing Belly
The pregnancy physicians and midwives at Gainesville's All About Women share some amazing ways your body adapts to pregnancy. ›
10 Things to Avoid During Pregnancy
The Gainesville maternity team at All About Women suggest staying away from these foods and bad habits throughout your term. ›
What to Eat (...and Not to Eat) When Pregnant
The doctors and midwives at northern Florida's All About Women discuss safe and healthy eating during pregnancy. ›
Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Gainesville, FL board-certified obstetricians at All About Women discuss weight gain during pregnancy, and how it can and should happen in a healthy way. Normal pregnancy weight gain... ›
Epidurals, Etc.: Understanding the Role of Pain Medication in Labor
The expert OB/GYNs and midwives at Gainesville's All About Women discuss the available approaches to pain relief during labor. ›
Gestational Diabetes Overview
Find out what risk factors may make you more likely to develop gestational diabetes, how to recognize the symptoms, and how doctors treat it. ›
Understanding and Identifying Braxton Hicks Contractions
What do Braxton Hicks contractions feel like? Are they painful? When do they start? Find out the difference between Braxton Hicks vs. real contractions. ›
Understanding Miscarriage
The pregnancy physicians and Gainesville's All About Women are here to help you through the painful course of miscarriage with both competent medical care and compassion. ›
NEW Understanding Stretch Marks After Pregnancy
What causes stretch marks? Can they be prevented, managed and treated? ›
NEW How and Why a Simple Breastfeeding Log Can Help You
When you have a newborn, keeping track of everything can be overwhelming. One of the ways you can help take the pressure off your memory is to record your baby's feeding times and length on each side in a breastfeeding log. ›
What to Expect After a Cesarean
C-Section: Pregnancy doctors and surgeons at Gainesville's All About Women discuss what to expect following a C-Section. Tips on caring for yourself after having a cesarean section: post cesarean incision care and more... ›
Birth Control Options After Baby
Gainesville's maternity doctors at All About Women discuss birth control options after the birth of your baby. ›
Postpartum Anxiety: The One No One Talks About
Postpartum anxiety affects more women than postpartum depression, but it is often overlooked and under diagnosed. ›
Your Breastfeeding Nutrition Questions, Answered
The knowledgeable maternity team at All About Women answer your most pressing questions on what and how to eat while breastfeeding. ›
Bringing Baby Home: Tips for the Transition
The OB/GYNs and midwives at Gainesville's All About Women discuss little ways to help ease the big transition to motherhood. ›
10 Ways Your Body May Change Post Pregnancy
10 post pregnancy issues that many women may encounter, according to the pregnancy care providers at All About Women's health practice. ›
When Breast Isn't Best: Signs for When to Avoid Breastfeeding
Knowledgeable & compassionate pregnancy physicians at Gainesville's All About Women discuss which conditions limit breastfeeding, and which ones don't. ›
Breastfeeding 101
Gainesville-based pregnancy physicians and midwives help new mothers understand the breast-feeding basics. ›
Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression: How to Tell the Difference
The North Florida pregnancy physicians at Gainesville's All About Women discuss how to discern between the usual baby blues and the more serious postpartum depression. ›
NEW How Often Should You Visit the Gynecologist?
Based on your age and other health factors, this is how often you should see your gyno. ›
NEW Common Myths About Women's Health & Gynecologists
You can find plenty of important and valuable women’s health and wellness advice on the internet, yet this same educational tool can also lead to the widespread distribution of false information... ›
Overview of a Salpingectomy Procedure
Learn what a salpingectomy procedure is, types of salpingectomy, why/when it’s needed (medical conditions it helps diagnose or treat) and possible complications. ›
What is a Tubal Ligation Procedure?
What is a tubal ligation procedure and why is it needed? Learn medical conditions it helps diagnose or treat, possible risks/side effects, and what the recovery process is like. ›
Common Causes and Types of Urinary Incontinence in Women
Find out the most common causes of urinary incontinence in women (i.e. pregnancy, age, etc.) as well as the different types of incontinence (overflow, urge, etc.) ›
What Women Should Know About Vaginal Prolapse Repair
Learn why/when it’s needed (causes of vaginal prolapse), types of prolapse, possible risks/side effects, and what the recovery process is like. ›
A Guide to a Vulvectomy Procedure
Learn why/when it’s needed, types of vulvectomy (particle, radical) possible risks/side effects, what the recovery process is like, etc. ›
What is Pelvic Floor Therapy?
What to expect before attending pelvic floor therapy for incontinence or endometriosis. ›
Gynecology and Obstetrics Terminology
A glossary to help patients better communicate with their doctor. ›
Douching: Don't Do It
The expert OB/GYN physicians at Gainesville's All About Women discuss the myths and facts of douching. ›
Mental Health Through Menopause: Challenges and Solutions
The team of women's' health experts at Gainesville's All About Women discuss coping mechanisms for the mental and emotional challenges of menopause. ›
Performing a Breast Self-Exam
Gainesville's preventive care physicians at All About Women discuss the how to perform a breast self-exam. ›
Menstruation and Ovulation: A Step-by-Step Guide
Menstruation and ovulation are natural processes for every woman in her lifetime, but the inner workings of the female body can seem mysterious, especially when you first hit puberty. ›
Teens, 20s and Young Adulthood
Explore general health concerns young women must consider in order to establish a healthy foundation for the future. ›
30s and Motherhood
As you enter your 30s, life is probably much different than your teens and 20s. Learn why it's more vital than ever you begin taking your health seriously. ›
Your 40s, A Time of Change
Entering your 40s is a tremendous occasion, but also signifies a big transition in terms of your health. ›
Your 50s and New Beginnings
As you pass the big 5-0, remember that maintaining healthy habits can help you live a vibrant, satisfying life as you get closer to retirement age. ›
The Golden Years – 60 and Beyond!
Just because you are getting older and the bones may ache a little more than they used to, doesn't mean that you can't live an amazing, fulfilling and healthy life! ›
Why Exercising after Menopause is Important– and How You Should Do It
Gainesville OB/GYN physicians at All About Women discuss the importance of maintaining a post-menopause exercise routine. ›
Common Gynecological Surgery Procedures
The expert gynecological surgeons at All About Women share their most common surgery techniques: hysterectomy, laparoscopy and robotic surgery. ›
Addressing Painful Sex
The OB/GYNs at North Florida's All About Women discuss the common causes of painful intercourse and how to resolve them. ›
Learn About Pelvic Exams and Pap Smears
North Central Florida's top women's health experts discuss the procedure for the annual pelvic exam and occasional Pap smear. ›
Women and Smoking: Specific Risk Factors
For women, the risks may be greater and more specific. Women and smoking make up their own special category of health issues. ›
Recognizing the Signs of Menopause
You know that you can expect to experience menopause eventually, but you may not be quite certain how to recognize it when it does occur. ›
Really, What Is a Midwife?
Most people think a midwife simply delivers babies, but midwifery care is so much more than that. ›
Protecting your Pelvic Floor- Kegel Exercises
Gainesville gynecology specialists discuss the importance of a strong pelvic floor for all women. ›
The Importance of Well Woman Care
With all of the responsibilities women have to deal with in their daily lives, well woman care can fall by the wayside. ›
NEW What Trichotillomania Is & Why Some Women Struggle With It
Learn what trichotillomania is, what causes it, the shame associated with it, common symptoms and possible treatments. ›
NEW Possible Causes of a Late Period (Besides Pregnancy)
Many women get concerned when their period is late, and some wonder why it happens. Here are some of the various health conditions that can cause a delayed period. ›
All About Yeast Infections: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Think you might have a yeast infection? These are the common signs and symptoms to watch out for. Be sure to reach out to your doctor right away to treat it quickly. ›
Woman's Guide to Eating Disorders (& How They Can Be Treated)
There are several different types of eating disorders that women of all ages may experience. Here are some common signs that you are suffering from an eating disorder. ›
Guide to Heart Disease in Women
The symptoms of heart attacks in women can be different from congestive heart failure in men. Understand the different types of heart disease and their symptoms... ›
How to Prevent Breast Cancer (or At Least Reduce Your Risk)
Follow these tips to reduce your risk of contracting breast cancer. ›
Women’s Guide to Vaginitis (Vulvovaginitis): An Overview
Learn what vaginitis is including what causes it, common symptoms, how it’s diagnosed, popular treatments, prevention, etc. ›
Overview of a Sonohysterogram Procedure
How the sonohysterogram procedure works, what the recovery looks like, and how it differs from a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) ›
Overview of Myomectomy Procedure
What is a myomectomy procedure? Learn the types of myomectomy (abdominal, laparoscopic) why/when it’s needed, possible complications, etc. ›
Understanding the Endocervical Curettage Procedure
What is an endocervical curettage procedure? Why is this procedure done and why is it needed? Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and what recovery looks like. ›
Destruction/Excision of Vaginal & Cervix Lesions
What are vaginal/cervix lesions? What’s the difference between destruction vs. excision to remove lesions? Why is this procedure done and why is it needed? ›
A Patient’s Guide to Endometrial Biopsy
What an endometrial biopsy is, why it’s done, what conditions it helps treat, what happens during the procedure and why you should see a specialist. ›
Overview of Rh Incompatibility Screening
The compassionate OB/GYN doctors at All About Women in Gainesville, Florida explain what Rh incompatibility is, what causes it, and our state-of-the-art screening options. ›
Hysteroscopy: The Basics
Who needs a hysteroscopy and why? Hysteroscopy uses a hysteroscope to look into your vagina and cervix... ›
What is a Colposcopy?
What a colposcopy is, why it’s done, which conditions it helps treat, what happens during the procedure, what the side effects are, and why see a specialist. ›
What is an Abscess or Fluid Incision and Drainage Procedure?
What is an abscess and what causes them? Why would you need an abscess draining procedure? Learn more about this procedure as well as side effects and recovery. ›
Guide to STD Testing, Screening & Counseling for Women
Which STD tests should you get and how often? Our North Florida gynecologists can screen for all types of STDs and STIs. ›
Polypectomy and the Resectr™ Treatment
Resectr™ treatment refers to a type of polypectomy, which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure using an instrument obtained from Boston Scientific known as a Resectr™ tool. ›
An Overview of Urodynamics Testing
Urodynamics is a series of tests that doctors like urologists, gynecologists and urogynecologists order to see how well your lower urinary tract system is working. ›
Guide to the da Vinci Robotic Hysterectomy
A hysterectomy is a common surgery, and the da Vinci method is a minimally invasive option with faster recovery. ›
All About Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure with a multitude of benefits, including quicker healing rates. ›
What is Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery?
Minimally invasive procedures with the use of things like robotics and a laparoscope have changed surgery, and today's gynecological procedures can be done more simply. ›
Identifying and Treatment of Vaginal Atrophy
Vaginal atrophy is the term used to describe the thinning of vaginal tissue, which can lead to irritation and dryness of the vaginal walls. ›
Different Types of Hysterectomy Surgeries & Their Side Effects
A hysterectomy is a common surgery... but what do you actually know about the different types? ›
Causes of Vaginal Itching
What causes vaginal dryness? Experiencing uncomfortable vaginal itching and irritation? Common causes and treatments from your local OB/GYN. ›
Can My Gynecologist Screen Me For Ovarian Cancer?
All About Women's gynecologists discuss ways you and your gynecologist can work together to help prevent and detect ovarian cancer. ›
Natural Remedies for Period Symptoms
Learn several natural techniques to try if you are suffering from bloating, pain and other period systems... ›
Underlying Health Causes of Depression
Women are two times more likely to suffer from depression than men. Sometimes depression can be a side effect of another health factor. ›
Menopause Treatment Options: You Don't Have to Suffer Silently
Menopause symptoms affect every woman at some point in her life. The good news is many different menopause treatment options are available. ›
Mammograms: What Are They and Why Are They Important?
Once you hit 40, annual mammograms are not only beneficial, but highly recommended. Some possible risks are involved, but many more benefits. ›
What to Expect For Your First Mammogram
Compassionate Gainesville gynecologists at All About Women explain breast cancer screenings step-by-step so you know what to anticipate before your appointment. ›
Urinary Tract Infections
Gainesville gynecologists at All About Women discuss what to do if you think you have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). ›
Understanding HPV - One of the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infections
Gynecology physicians at Northern Florida's All About Women MD provide insight on the surprisingly common Human Papillomavirus. ›
Robotic Hysterectomy
All About Women Obstetrics & Gynecology physicians in Gainesville & Lake City, FL offer da Vinci robotic surgery for hysterectomy, expanding the scope of minimally invasive surgery and shortens patient recovery time... ›
Silent STIs: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
Lake City & Gainesville gynecologists at All About Women discuss 2 common & dangerous sexually transmitted infections (STIs): chlamydia & gonorrhea. ›
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Causes and Treatment
Gainesville well woman care physicians at All About Women discuss the sometimes difficult to diagnose Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. ›
Common Benign Breast Changes
Gainesville women's healthcare provider, All About Women OB/GYN: There are a number of non-cancerous conditions that can cause your breasts to change. Find out about breast changes that are commonly benign... ›
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a prominent part of many women's lives and they can be irritating, embarrassing and painful. ›
Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment
While discussions of broken hips and encouragement to consume more calcium may be ubiquitous to post-menopausal women though, osteoporosis is an important topic for every age group. ›
Beyond Birth Control: Other Benefits of Oral Contraceptives
Birth control pills work by adjusting women's hormone levels. Women have unique hormones, and when those hormones become imbalanced, they can cause unique illnesses. ›
What to Expect During and After a Hysterectomy
There are three different types of hysterectomies, which means both the procedure itself and the recovery process can vary depending on necessary procedure. ›
NEW Top Birth Control Myths Busted: Facts Regarding Contraception
There are many different types of birth control, which means there’s a wide range of myths surrounding them as well. We’ll bust those myths. ›
Oral Contraception: The Birth Control Pill
The women's health professionals at Gainesville's All About Women answer common questions about birth control pills. ›
Birth Control Vaginal Ring: NuvaRing
The women's health team at Gainesville's All About Women discuss this low-dosing form of hormonal birth control. ›
The Birth Control Implant: Long Acting, Reversible Birth Control
The women's health specialists at Gainesville's All About Women discuss this low maintenance birth control option. ›
IUDs: Learn More about Advanced, Reversible Birth Control
IUDs are small (the size of a quarter or smaller) t-shaped devices that sit in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. There are two types of IUDs currently available - hormonal and non-hormonal... ›
Choosing a Birth Control Method That's Right For You
The OB/GYN physicians at Northern Florida's All About Women overview birth control options available to women and how to choose one. ›
Permanent Birth Control: Tubal Sterilization
Expert physicians at Gainesville's All About Women discuss tubal sterilization, a permanent birth control option for women. ›
NEW Novasure® Surgery for Heavy Period Treatment
Do heavy periods affect your life? If you suffer from excessive menstrual bleeding and do not wish to have any children in the future, be sure to ask your doctor if NovaSure may be right for you. ›
Tracking Your Period and Why it's Important
Keeping track of your period is important for a number of reasons, primarily health-related. Thanks to menstrual cycle track apps, it's easier than ever. ›
Discover Compassionate Treatment for Abnormal Periods
Gainesville-based physicians provide women of north Florida the most technologically advanced, comprehensive gynecological care for abnormal periods ›
Periods: What's Normal?
What's a normal cycle length? When should I see my doctor? Read the answers to these and other common questions... ›
Understanding Heavy Periods So You Can Find Relief
The compassionate women's health providers at All About Women discuss when to seek treatment for heavy periods. ›
Endometriosis: An Overview
Gainesville and Lake City OB/GYNS of All About Women discuss the common occurrence of endometriosis, its causes, and treatment. ›
NEW A Guide to Ectopic Pregnancy
Learn about ectopic pregnancy with our comprehensive guide. Discover the signs, understand the risks, and find answers to FAQs for peace of mind. ›
NEW How To Manage Blood Disorders During Pregnancy
Learn about the most common blood disorders during pregnancy, as well as their potential complications and treatment options. ›
The Rise of Pregnancy Complications
Learn why pregnancy complications have been rising over the last decade and during the COVID-19 pandemic. ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Pyelonephritis
Pregnancy-related pyelonephritis (also known as a kidney infection) is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by bacteria that infect the kidney. ›
Depression and Pregnancy Risk Factors
Learn about the risk factors, symptoms and treatment for depression during pregnancy and how it can affect your baby. ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Multiple C-Sections
Learn about the potential risks associated with repeat C-sections deliveries and how to keep you and your baby healthy and safe. ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Infections
Learn about symptoms and risk factors for infection during pregnancy. Find out what you can do to protect you and your baby. ›
Pregnancy risk factors: Previous miscarriage or stillbirth
Learn about the causes and risk factors for repeated miscarriages and stillbirths and how to increase your chances of having a healthy baby. ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases affect between 5-10 percent of the U.S. population, with 80 percent of those affected being female. These conditions tend to peak during a woman’s reproductive years, making their occurrence in pregnancy relatively common. ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Maternal Age
Women who get pregnant after the age of 35 are usually considered high risk. This is because the chance of experiencing pregnancy complications increases as a woman ages... ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Maternal Weight and Obesity
What conditions/complications/illnesses are more common due to an overweight mother? How can a woman know that she is clinically overweight? ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Multiple Gestation (Twins, Triplets, etc.)
Learn about the risk factors for carrying multiple babies. Find out what signs to look out for and how to keep you and your babies safe. ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Epilepsy
Epilepsy comes with increased risk factors during pregnancy, but there are steps you can take to protect you and your baby. Find out how. ›
Pregnancy Risk Factors: Thyroid Disease
Learn how a pre-existing thyroid disease can impact the health of mother and baby, and the role the thyroid plays in the body during pregnancy. ›
OB/GYN specialists at All About Women Obstetrics & Gynecology in Gainesville and Lake City offer the most compassionate, comprehensive healthcare for women of all ages across North Florida. A big part of accomplishing this mission is to provide easy-to-understand resources you can use to make the best decisions possible for your health.
Check back with us often as we continue to build one of the most in-depth OB/GYN knowledge resources on the Internet. In the meantime, educate yourself further by following recent women's health news and information on our blog.
If you have a question not addressed here, or if you're searching for an OB/GYN provider in North Florida who will listen to your unique needs and provide personalized care, contact the Gainesville OB/GYN physicians at All About Women Obstetrics & Gynecology today to schedule an appointment.