OB/GYN Surgeons Offer Compassionate Care for Women Seeking Permanent Birth Control

All About Women offers both traditional and advanced permanent birth control options for women in Gainesville, Lake City and surrounding communities

If you've decided that your family is complete (...or you do not want to have children), permanent birth control may be a good option for you. Also known as sterilization, permanent birth control provides peace of mind to couples who wish to avoid pregnancy.

It's the only birth control option that doesn't affect your hormones, lasts forever, and doesn't require regular attention.

Continue reading for more information about the two most common permanent birth control, or sterilization options.

Permanent Birth Control Option #1: Tubal ligations

Also known as "getting your tubes tied," tubal ligations are the traditional method of permanent birth control. It is a surgical procedure where doctors use a laparoscope to sever the fallopian tubes, making pregnancy near to impossible. Although effective immediately following surgery, full recovery from the procedure generally takes a couple of weeks.

(Check out our article Permanent Birth Control: Tubal Sterilizations to learn more)

Permanent Birth Control Option #2: Hysteroscopic Ligations

A newer form of permanent birth control for women is the hysteroscopic ligation, which doesn't require surgery! Rather, the procedure uses a hysteroscope (...a narrow instrument inserted through the vagina and cervix) to place nickel-titanium inserts into the fallopian tubes.

Women typically recover from a hysteroscopic ligation in a couple of days.

However, unlike a tubal ligation, it can take several months for scar tissue to form around the inserts and block the fallopian tubes. Other birth control methods will need to be considered for this period of time.

Hysterectomies (the complete removal of the uterus) are not usually considered as a general sterilization method.

3 important facts to understand before making any decisions about permanent birth control...

  • Tubal ligations are nearly 100% effective. When it comes to birth control effectiveness, tubal sterilization tops the list.

  • Permanent birth control does not protect against STDs. If you have new sexual partners after your procedure, it's important to remember that your sterilization does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. You'll need to use additional protection during sexual activity.
  • Permanent birth control is not reversible: It's important to be sure of your decision to end your fertility since doctors consider both tubal and hysteroscopic ligations irreversible. If you have some hesitation about your decision, talk to your OB/GYN about long-term, low- maintenance, reversible birth control options like an IUD or implant.

(Read IUDs: Learn More About Advanced, Reversible Birth Control for more information about these options)

Choosing permanent birth control is a major life decision, which is why it's vital you do your own research and discuss it with family and close friends

To learn more about birth control in general, visit our knowledge center and blog.

And to discuss your individual situation, make an appointment with our compassionate team of OB/GYN surgeons to help decide if permanent birth control is right for you. Whatever course you end up choosing, the entire staff at Gainesville's All About Women will work tirelessly to ensure your health and peace of mind.

Personalized and compassionate preventitive care is just a click or phone call away. Our experienced team of doctors, midwives and staff are here to address the health needs of all women in Gainesville, Lake City and surrounding communities in North Florida.

Call to Request an Appointment Today!

(352) 331-3332

Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
(Closed 12:00 - 1:00)
8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Lake City
(386) 754-1744

Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
(Closed 12:00 - 1:00)
8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Personalized and compassionate preventitive care is just a click or phone call away.

Our experienced team of doctors, midwives and staff are here to address the health needs of all women in Gainesville, Lake City and surrounding communities in North Florida.