Having a medical condition that requires surgery can give anyone a moment's pause. Is my condition life threatening? Will surgery lead to a radical change in my life? How can I possibly fit surgery into my packed schedule?
The expert surgeons at All About Women are here to answer all of your questions and address your concerns. Our compassionate team treats every woman with care and consideration, always using the most advanced medical treatments available. From removal of fibroid tumors to treatment of ovarian cysts and heavy periods, your health is our primary concern.
We deliver expert surgical care while minimizing disruption to your life. In fact, our doctors are the only surgeons in the area to routinely perform advanced single-site robotically assisted gynecological surgical procedures, which can dramatically reduce risks and your recovery time.
Florida OB/GYN surgeons at Gainesville's All About Women Obstetrics & Gynecology offer the full spectrum of surgical care for your unique health needs in a patient-centered environment.
Our OB/GYN surgeons are board-certified and experienced in the most surgically-advanced treatment options, including:
A cesarean section is a delivery method that has been used by obstetricians since almost the beginning of recorded history, and advancements in medical science continue to offer improved techniques and minimize the impact of this procedure. Learn More
Every delivery is as unique as each mother and infant. While vaginal delivery is a natural process, it sometimes requires expert medical intervention. Whether you've chosen to do natural childbirth (SVD) or assisted birth, we can help make the experience as comfortable and easy as possible. Learn More
An abscess is a painful infection that drives many women to the emergency room or their doctor. They are most commonly found in the axillae, buttocks, and extremities. We successfully treat abscesses by draining via incision, and ensure that the inflammation doesn't spread. Learn More
The da Vinci® Surgical System provides surgeons with an alternative to both traditional open surgery and conventional laparoscopy, enabling surgeons to perform even the most complex and delicate procedures through very small incisions with unmatched precision. Learn More
Genital warts, or lesions, is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) and one that our gynecologists regularly treat through excision or destruction. Many factors go into determining how best to treat lesions, including the location of the warts and the number of lesions. Learn More
Endocervical curettage (ECC) is a pathological procedure involving a spoon-shaped medical tool used to scrape out tissues from the endocervical canal. This procedure helps detect the presence of cancer cells in the cervix and is an important part of cervical cancer screening. Learn More
Cervical removal procedures like LEEP helps prevent cervical cancer by removing abnormal tissue from your cervix found during a pap smear, colposcopy, or biopsy. This procedure is an important part of diagnosis and treatment for abnormal or cancerous conditions.
Incontinence is when you experience urine leakage after a laugh, cough, sneeze, lifting things, or exercise. Vaginal sling procedures can help control stress urinary incontinence by closing your urethra and bladder neck. Learn More
An “open” or abdominal myomectomy involves making a small incision through the lower abdomen, (known as a "bikini cut") to remove fibroids from the wall of the uterus. The uterine muscle is then sewn back together using several layers of stitches. Learn More
A sympathectomy is a procedure to cut or block a nerve in the middle of your body, typically to treat issues such as severe sweating (hyperhidrosis) and facial blushing. Variations of the sympathectomy have been performed in for over a century; however, modern technology has made the procedure easier than ever.
A salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) fallopian tubes. This procedure could help reduce your risk of ovarian cancer and other gynecological health problems. The risks and benefits of a salpingectomy should be discussed with a knowledgeable OB/GYN. Learn More
More commonly known as “getting your tubes tied,” tubal ligation is the surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy. This procedure is a type of permanent birth control, and it involves your fallopian tubes being cut or blocked. Some types of tubal ligation use an incision, while others are non-invasive procedures. Learn More
When the rectum drops and pushes into the back of the vagina, posterior repair is often needed. Types of this procedure (sacrocolpopexy and sacrohysteropexy) can be performed by using your own tissues or vaginal mesh to repair the prolapse. Learn More
This gynecological procedure is when the vulva is partly or completely removed (radical vulvectomy). It's usually performed as a last resort in cases of cancer, vulvar dysplasia, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or as part of female genital mutilation. Learn More
Please contact us to confirm your specific plan and schedule an appointment today.
You take care of everyone else in your family, now it's time to take care of you! Did you know that women's preventive health care such as mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, prenatal care, and other services are covered with no out-of-pocket expense for most women? Call us today to make your appointment. We will check on your insurance benefits for you and let you know if they have been updated.
Learn more about conditions, treatments, and other aspects of healthcare specific to women in our library.
If you have questions or concerns, or if you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss your unique health needs, please contact board-certified Florida OB/GYN surgeons at All About Women Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Our doctors are highly experienced, compassionate physicians who make patient education a priority. They are more than happy to discuss any concerns you might have about a potential or impending surgical procedure. All About Women has two convenient locations — at North Florida Regional Hospital across from the Oaks Mall in Gainesville, and off I-75 and Hwy 90 in Lake City, Florida.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment.